edoxOnline Hit A New Landmark

We are proud to announce a new record in Argentine exports being documented using edoxOnline.

Last milestone of 80 % (2014) was surpassed last year. During this period, 85 % of the Agri-exports (Grains, Oils, Byproducts, Biodiesel, etc) were documented using edoxOnline services (source DNMA Statistics Ministerio de Agricultura Ganadería y Pesca – Area regimenes especiales).

Consequently, throughout 2014/2015 edoxOnline remained consolidated as the preferred documentation tool by the largest Agri exporters.

Special Thanks to all the companies that made this possible.

July, 2020.

Our online Demo takes 30 minutes and provides an overview of edoxOnline main features, functionality and the benefits of digital collaboration.

    Our online Demo takes 30 minutes and provides an overview of edoxOnline main features, functionality and the benefits of digital collaboration.